Charge It
Swap It
Ease. Fast. Reliable.

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Technology is evolving fast, especially in smart phones and the uses of smart phones are increasing day by day, but the main issue is that batteries are not evolving as fast as smart phones to meet the needed capacity to get users through the day.
Will change the way you charge, using a new system & process
A system that user can rely on
Will eliminate all the current charging methods, to be replaced by one simple step
An Auto Swapabel External Battery System
- Swapery: is a fully automated system that’s automatically swaps external battery with a fully charged battery. (In just 7 seconds)
- It’s designed to be convenient and available at any time
- Designed to save your time, effort and to organize the full charging process

Battery Housing Phone Attachment
Contains the auto – swapable battery (will give the user 8 – 10 hours of extra charge).
It will be clipped on to any phone or phone case surface, through the paper-thin clip.
Auto Swapping Station
Contains 4 fully charged batteries that can be auto- swapped.
Function: swapping station will automatically in – take the drained battery from the battery pack attachment and will auto – swap it with a fully charged one in just 7 second.

How does
Swapery Work?

Step 1
User is having a drained battery.
Step 2
The user will insert his phone into the swapping station.

Step 3
Swapping station will automatically in-take the drained battery from battery pack.
Step 4
Swapping station will automatically arrange one fully charged battery from 4 batteries which it contains.

Step 5
Swapping station will automatically eject the fully charged battery to the battery pack.
Step 6
The user now can take his phone with a fully charged battery pack which will give him 8 – 10 hours extra charge (drained battery in-taken by station will be charged for the next swap).
Swapping process will take only 7 seconds.

Benefits of using

Other Benefits of Automated System
- User will never worry about cables / adapters / plug ins, because user will not need them by using our automated system, that takes care of everything for them
- Easy and convenient to use
- Swapery power station will always be ready, the user will only need to auto swap battery at any time
Current Methods of Charging
and Their Problems

Battery Phone Case
- Requires double time of normal charging.
- Charging the case and phone at the same time will increase the hassle of arranging cables and adapters.
- Phone down time 3.5 + hours

Wireless Charging
- Slow in Charging, requires more time
- Phone must be placed on the wireless pad, can’t use the phone while charging.
- Gets hot quickly due to magnetic field energy transfer.
- Phone down time 3.5 hours.

Wire Plug
- Needs power outlet
- Lack of Movement & tis the user with phone
- Time Loss & Waiting for phone to be charged
- Damaged wires
- Phone down time 1.5 + hours

Power Bank
- Usually, heavy
- Useless if it is not charged in advance
- Bulky & Inconvenient
- Requires wires
- Phone down time minimum 2 + hours
Comparison of
Downtime: 2 – 5 + hours
Size/wight: bulky and inconvenient
Prerequisite: cables, charging brick, outlet
Mobility: No during charging
Downtime: 7 seconds
Size/wight: light, slime.
Prerequisite: Swapery system (auto swapping battery in 7 seconds)
Mobility: Yes
Charging via Wire
Downtime: 45min – 1 hour +
Size/wight: nothing, will not give you extra charge
Prerequisite: cables, charging brick, outlet
Mobility: No during charging
Downtime: 7 seconds
Size/wight: light, slime, gives 8 – 10 hours of extra charge
Prerequisite: Swapery system (auto swapping battery in 7 seconds)
Mobility: Yes
Charging via Battery Case
Downtime: 1.5 hours – 3 hours
Size/wight: heavy, it’s a complete phone case with a battery
Prerequisite: cables, charging brick, outlet
Mobility: No during charging
Charging via Swapery
Downtime: 7 seconds
Size/wight: light, slime, its only a battery attachment that can be attached on any phone or phone case
Prerequisite: Swapery system (auto swapping battery in 7 seconds)
Mobility: Yes
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